A complex of warehouse and production halls with office and social parts. A single-story, two-nave hall with a usable area of 12,164.60 m2. A complex of halls for expanding fire walls into five different segments. Mixed frame structure of the halls – prefabricated reinforced concrete columns, steel structure, sandwich casing, roof covered with trapezoidal sheets, with thermal insulation made of basic substance, and, more importantly, against moisture using PVC roof membranes. Placed on basic footings and benches, in one of the basic working tools under internal silos for the production of construction chemicals. The facility is equipped with roof skylights, smoke vents, external gates and loading ramps.
The office and accessible part is one-story, the two-story part is made of brick, with ceilings made of prefabricated panels. Available on three social and office spaces amounting to 1,179.52 m2.
Hardening the area for the traffic of trucks and individuals, as well as pedestrian traffic (access to buildings) with concrete paving stones.